
5 Sneaky Reasons Why You Might be Breaking Out

So, you’re double cleansing day and night, applying a bevy of serums, masks and spot treatments but you’re STILL breaking out? If you’ve already ruled out hormonal breakouts, there might be some environmental factors that you need to consider.

Using dirty makeup brushes

If you frequently use tools to apply makeup but haven’t washed them since, oh, ever, you’re looking at a prime breeding ground for blemishes. Bristles can be magnet for makeup residue, sweat and debris, says N.Y.C. dermatologist Sajel Shah. Use brush wipes after each application to quickly spot treat. For a deeper clean, wash bristles with a dab of baby shampoo or brush cleanser to fully remove buildup.

Application of Hair Styling Products

Blemishes along the hairline can indicative of a reaction to your hair styling products. “Pomades and thick hair care products can block pores causing breakouts,” says N.Y.C. dermatologist Joshua Zeichner. Be careful of applying hairsprays or pomades or try switching to another brand to see if it helps. For a case of bacne, make sure to cleanse your body after washing out your shampoo and conditioner. The sudsy residue from your hair cleaning duo can cause you to break out if not washed off properly.

Sleeping on Dirty Pillowcases

Yes, even if you wash your face at night, you can still leave behind sweat and oil on your pillowcase.  Grime from both your strands and complexion can rub off on your pillow and transfer back onto your skin the  following night. Make sure to wash or change sheets weekly.

Jet Setting

If you’re noticed that a zit pops up after a flight, you’re not alone. Air travel can dehydrate the skin leading to extra oil production, even for oily skin types. While you may get a few funny looks, make like a celebrity and sheet mask during your flight.

Using a Dirty Phone

Are pimples along your cheeks a regular occurrence? It might be time to wipe down that cell phone, your screen can harbor oil, grime, and even bacteria (think about all the surfaces your phone has touched in just 24 hours- bleck!) Use electronic wipes daily (try Windex Electronic Wipes) to remove any zit inducing elements.


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