
How to Wear Make-up at Every Age?

Most women love to experiment and enhance their look with make-up. As a teen or younger we might play with our sisters’ and mom’s make up bags (much to their annoyance) but as we get older we tend to develop our own style that changes as we grow older, along with fashion trends and our personal style.

So how can we adapt our look as we get older, without losing any of our individuality?

Twenty-Something Make-Up

This is the decade in which we look our most beautiful – well for most of us anyway. Skin is at its best and that makes our twenties the best time to experiment and really find our ‘look’. Don’t be afraid of following trends and trying new things, make-up is fun and while you’re in your twenties is the best time to find out what does – and doesn’t – suit you.

Start paying your skin some attention at this age and you set yourself up for a lifetime of good skin. Think about the basics; make sure that you always wear moisturizer with SPF, always remove your make-up before bed and try out foundations and concealers to find one that suits your skin.

What About Your Thirties?

Most women find that they are pretty busy in their thirties, whether with career, family or both. Make –up can take a back seat and anything that does two jobs at once is a bonus.

Look at getting a good quality tinted moisturizer to save time or try getting everything in one place; fill a make-up palette with foundation, cream blusher, your favourite lip balm and a couple of your favourite shades of lipstick, and keep it in your purse for instant glamor. If you haven’t already, you definitely need to add SPF 15 or 30 to your skin care routine to avoid sun damage and fine lines as your skin matures.

Skin Care and Make-Up for Your Forties

The bad news is that your forties are, unless you’re exceptionally blessed with good skin, the decade that you start noticing your skin start to age a little. Fine lines, pigmentation and general lack of elasticity can strike and so you’ll probably need to up your skin care and make-up routines to compensate.

In your forties is when you should have a classic look – the experimenting of your twenties and early thirties might be replaced by knowing what suits you and enjoying it. You can still adapt your basic look to current trends; if bright pink is in fashion you can always find your own shade of pink that’s not so ‘in your face’ and go with that. Concealer and foundation will help cover blemishes and even out your skin tone, and add some warm toned blusher to give you a natural glow.

Fifties and Beyond

Hitting your fifties is just another milestone, it’s not considered old anymore, so make-up is still fun at fifty-plus. If you do feel that your skin is losing some of its color and things need perking up, great skin care and the right make up can carry you through this decade and beyond. Don’t make the mistake that some more mature ladies make and start upping the vibrancy or amount of your make-up, as that can age you rather than enhance your features.

If you’ve noticed lines around your eyes, a brighter lipstick will draw attention away from them rather than wearing too much concealer or foundation in an attempt to ‘cover up’.

Light colors lift your features, so opt for a bone eye shadow all over your eyelids and under your brows, and five an overall glow with a slightly brighter shade of blusher.

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