
Hair Restoration

Hair Loss – Clinical Background

Hair loss is a widely common condition which affects both males and females. In the U.S and Canada, about 60% of men experience ‘Male-pattern baldness’, where up to 40% of women over 50 are affected by ‘Female-pattern baldness’. While hair loss may seem like an aesthetic issue, it is often accompanied by a significant negative psychological impact.

Why Do We Lose Hair?

Hair loss is multi-factorial; we lose hair due to:

      • Natural aging of the scalp tissue
      • Sun exposure
      • Nutrient deficiencies
      • Harmful chemicals used for hair styling
      • Pollution
      • Diet & nutrition
      • And more

However, the scientific community widely acknowledges that the #1 factor of hair loss is hereditary imbalanced hormonal activity in our hair follicles – meaning, genes. Specifically, the blame is pointed towards one hormone called: Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT

DHT is derived from testosterone by the 5-α reductase enzyme, which is active within the hair follicle cells of both men and women. High levels of DHT trigger the “hair loss genes” of the cells and prevents normal hair growth. The supply of blood and nutrients is compromised and the hair grows thinner and shorter until it is completely eliminated. This biological process is also known as follicle miniaturization (follicles that shrink over time).

What Can Be Done About It?


The first thing to understand is that follicles which were completely eliminated (i.e. completed the miniaturization process and died) are not likely to be restored. The good news is that ongoing miniaturization can be reversed, and shrinking follicles can restore their healthy function if treated in time. So what can we do to reverse DHT-induced hair miniaturization?

 Block the formation of DHT within hair follicles
 Re-anchor the hair follicle with its roots
 Replenish micro-circulation that brings oxygen and nutrients to the roots
 Supply all the nutrients, vitamins and proteins required for healthy hair function
 Make sure the skin tissue around the follicle is healthy and functioning properly

How to do all of  those: With our Hair Growth treatment plan including 8 sessions of in-clinic treatment and use of at home roller and hair lotion.

8 weekly Treatments with Hair Growth Cocktail

The Xcellaris Pro Hair & Scalp treatment by Dermaroller® is designed to create the optimal conditions for improving hair structure and reversing the process of hair loss. Xcellaris Pro is based on natural & highly potent botanical active ingredients which target the hair follicles and the surrounding skin tissue.

Unlike regular topical products, the active ingredients of Xcellaris Pro go beyond the surface of the scalp and penetrate deeper into the skin. The eDermaStamp® creates thousands of micro-channels which significantly increase the absorption of active ingredients, ensuring maximum treatment efficacy.



 The Hair Repair & Skin Rejuvenation Vitamin ampules are used in-clinic during the professional eDermaStamp treatments. They promote and maintain healthy hair growth and insure optimum cellular metabolism.
 The Hair Lotion is used at home between the professional treatments and can be combined with the home-care Dermaroller to nourish and repair hair fibers and increase hair volume.

Used to Treat

      • Hair Thinning
      • Hair Loss

Before & After Pictures



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