
Are You Taking Care of Your Skin Correctly?

There are varieties of skincare products in the market now. When you purchase a bunch of different products for your skin, do you know how to use these products correctly? It is a good idea to find a simple and balanced daily skincare routine before you apply all the products on the face. The chart below shows some skincare tips we recommend to you.

Cleansing is the first step for both morning and night skincare routines. After a long day, your face can be covered with the bacteria, pollutants, viruses, dirt, and old (dead) skin cells. Washing face helps remove the dirt, oil and other unwanted debris.

Exfoliation is a step that removes the dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin. It’s especially helpful as we age and cell turnover slows down to prevent skin from looking dull, by keeping the process moving along at a good speed. Therefore, exfoliation is not a daily routine. The frequency depends on your skin condition. It can be once or twice per week.

Face toner should be applied after washing face. They were originally designed to rebalance skin after washing with harsh soaps and cleansers. Toners are usually water-based. The benefits of toners include preparing the skin for serum and moisturizers, and removing excess oil, remaining dirt and makeup.

Masks become more popular than before due to the effect of celebrities. Depending on the functions of the masks, each of them has different nutrition. The nutrition can penetrate into your skin. There can be hydration masks, deep cleansing masks, acne-prone masks, and more options.

Serum is the skincare product that delivers powerful nutritional ingredients into your skin. It is usually made of small molecules so it can penetrate into the skin with a high concentration of active ingredients. Serum cannot be used as a moisturizer.

Eye gel/creams are optional. Not everyone uses eye products. Eye products are usually made of smaller molecules than serum. Eye gel/creams are also formulated specifically for the delicate skin around the eye.

After you apply all the products mentioned above, moisturizers should be the last step of the night skincare routine. Moisturizers keep your skin hydration, lock the nutritional ingredients in your skin cells, and creates the barrier on your skin. The barrier protects your skin from harmful outside pollutants.

If it is your morning skincare routine, you need to apply sunscreen after the moisturizer and then primer before using your makeup products. Primer gives an extra barrier between your skin and makeup. The primers help your makeup last longer and skin tone more even.

The skincare routine above is very general. It may not fit everyone because every person has different skin types and concerns. The skincare routine we recommend just gives people an idea how to use the skincare products properly. If you have any skin problem that cannot be solved by yourself, we are here to offer complimentary consultation.

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